​​​Smart TV Box Quad Core Amlogic Box Production Process


---PCB board quality control (1)

.smart tv box quad core
    We all known that smart tv box quad core is hot in the following seasons. Many buyer may concern about the quality, and as Xiyun smart tv box quad core manufacturer, we try our best endeavor to guarantee the quality on the smart tv box quad core. The below eight steps are our basic preparations for our smart tv box quad core production.

NO.1  Raw Materials

    We storage our In Coming Materials in Warehouse, includig Carrier Tape, blank PCB Board, Tin and ect. We have a check on the materials before production.smart tv box quad core smt tape

NO.2 IC Programming 

     IC programming is the most important step in the board and in the smart tv box quad core production process, we need to contact our customer to provide the software, or use our standard software for smart tv box quad core. We can make the ROM recording for 24,000 every day. This can ensure our production advantage for customers.smart tv box quad core ic programming 

NO.3 PCB Printing    

    The smart tv box quad core board comes in blank, we need to print it. Smear tin to stic IC and print it by our SMT machine. Our engineer will check the print quality. The board printed, we should not touch by our hand, we all  see it.smart tv box quad core board printing  

 NO.4 Surface Mount Device 

    After printing the smart tv box quad core board, we need to mount the device to it. In this section, we mount it by automatic SMT Siemens SMT and by manual SMT. mount device of smart tv box quad core 

NO.5 Reflow

    Reflow the smart tv box quad core is very important. Our reflow machine will warm it, heating it, to high temperature, and then refrigeration the smart tv box quad core board.

NO.6 QC Examination smart tv box quad core PCB board

    By AOI( automated optical inspection) and Manual vision inspection. This is in order to examine faulty soldered joint, and them examinate them. We ensure the unqualified smart tv box quad core pcb borad in 1%-3%..smart tv box quad core board compare_

NO.7  AI  plug-in components

This step is to plug-in seperation in the board, and make the board perfectly. 

NO.8 Repair PCB Board

    After all the preparations and we check the Smart TV BOX Quad Core PCB board again, and if their any mistakes on it, we may repair them or abandon them. All we check is for qualified our smart tv box quad core for our customers.smart tv box quad core repair        Thank you for your visit, any questions you have please feel free to contact our EC services.Waiting for more qualified smart quad core tv box news to you.

Keywords:​​​Smart tv box quad core