Best TV Boxes OEM Solutions in Xiyun Tech


Solution NO.1 Xiyun Tech formula support

1.  Customer providing packaging material

2.  Customer providing android tv box channels’  apk or app

3.  Xiyun Tech original android tv box design

4.  Xiyun Tech raw materials for android tv box

5. Set customers’ LOGO to the android tv box

6. Set customers’ interface to the boxes

7.Set customers’ language to the boxes

8.Sampling according to customers’ demand

9.Providing sample

10.Sample feedback

11.Xiyun Tech R&D Team ECR and ECN, Check OK

12.Conform with customer

13.Customer purchase order

14.Mass production

15. Shipping arrangement

 Best tv boxes OEM Solutions

Solution NO.2  Customers formula support

1.   Customer providing packaging material

2.   Customer providing android tv box channels’  apk or app

3.   Customer providing the material specifications and the formula

4.  Technology negotiation

5.  Xiyun Tech accept the technical documenets

6.  Xiyun Tech android tv box design

7.  Set customers’ LOGO to the android tv box

8.  Set customers’ interface to the boxes

9.  Set customers’ language to the boxes

10.  Sampling according to customers’ demand

11.   Providing sample

12.   Sample feedback

13.   Xiyun Tech R&D Team ECR and ECN, Check OK

14.   Cofirm with customer

15.   Customer purchase order

16.   Mass production

17.   Shipping arrangement 

Keywords:Best TV Boxes,Best media streamers|OEM Solutions